by DAN WOOD

Hey  Dave,  interesting  article  last  ish.  And yeah to tell the truth
breasts  aren't any thing.  When looking for the physical qualities in a
lady, the face wins everytime, I don't see the attraction myself.

But  that said, when you fall in lurrve with some one, after a few weeks
looks  totally  dissapear  any way!  (gasps from all the folks out there
who have never been in love :).

But  Pamela  Anderson, I reckon she actually looks stupid, what a moose.
Maybe if she lost the bleached hair ('cos it is bleached folks) and lost
the fake stuff, then she'd be OK, but as it stands, "no thanks".

I  mean  any guy who judges a woman on her chest rather than personality
is  a bit of a sad git any way.  And people's personalities are the most
sexy  thing  about  them,  and the situation isn't as bad as it seems to
tell  the truth.  In general most men and women find each other's gender
specific  parts  (nice  gentle way of saying it) erm...  interesting, so
thats  why.   It's also interesting to note, that while we get all these
idiotic  feminists  (women in comfortable shoes) spouting off crap about
"all  men  are  perverts"  you  know the ONLY pornographic magazine that
TOTALLY  100%  sells  out EVERY issue ON THE DAY OF LAUNCH in the UK is?
"Just  For Women", a magazine full of naked men, so that stuffs that one
doesn't  it  (excuse the wording).  But any way, people look better with
their clothes on I think, I know many disagree..  but never mind.

Any comments people?

[Recently  Channel4  (I  believe)  had  a program called "Breasts" which
interviewed  22  women  who were mostly topless.  The discussions ranged
from what they thought guys saw in them to plastic surgery.  I think the
result was that they figured us guys saw it as a mother/homely thing and
we  had  a  need  to playwith them which is built into a genetic makeup.
